Still getting used to this new blog posting program...
The deadline to enter the Ocean Spray Cranberry recipe competition is looming. I've only managed to make the Green Tea Panna Cotta twice so far - I think I need to bump up my game.
Here are the results of the second attempt:
The Good- Much creamier texture! I researched gelatin a little bit, and found that for a looser texture, a good ratio is 3 cups liquid to one packet of gelatin. whew. Crazy how much time a little research will save you. I was muddling around in the 2 cups per gelatin packet - what a nerd!
The Bad- Jeez. Bad seems a little harsh. Maybe the "Not-Quite-There-Yet..." would be more appropriate, even if it doesn't have that same ring. The green tea flavor was still over powering. Last time, you may remember, I used the canned jelled cranberry sauce. This time, I used straight up cranberry juice - and apparently, not enough. I have always thought cranberry was kind of an intense flavor... I may have over-estimated its ferocity.
The Ugly- A tip for you: when un-molding panna cotta, DO dip the mold into warm water. DO NOT leave it in the warm water for 3 minutes while you finish up watching a scene from Juno that happens to be playing on TV. It will melt.
Welp! I'm off to try out the third (and hopefully final) version of this recipe. Cheers!
You can do it Sissypants! Perseverance! 3rd times a charm, right? Right.